Rosehood provides comprehensive litigation support services in actual or potential legal proceedings before a court, regulatory body, government authority, in alternate dispute resolution or mediation settings. Services offered include:
- Commercial litigation & shareholder disputes
- Divorce (matrimonial) disputes & family law issues
- Personal injury claims (loss of current and future income)
- Business interruption & Insurance claims
- Expert testimony & damages quantification.
We are often retained by lawyers, insurance companies and the business community to provide an assessment of economic damages and to prepare an independent expert’s report suitable for use at settlement meetings, mediations, arbitrations or in court.
We are also retained to review and provide comments on another expert’s report in order to assist counsel in preparing for cross examination, or to file a responding expert report, which may or may not contain an independent assessment of damages.
If required, we would appear as expert witnesses before the trier of fact. As expert witnesses, we are called upon to testify by providing independent expert evidence to assist the trier of fact in understanding the accounting and/or valuation issues in dispute.
Our team uses financial skills, business expertise and knowledge of the legal process when conducting each assignment. We present a high quality, balanced quantification based on reasonable assumptions and sound financial analysis.
Our Services:
Our Business Valuation Professionals serve clients across North America and the Middle East.